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Brain Herbs

Brain Herbs

  • Reduce stress hormone levels, such as Cortisol 
  • Enhance cognition by delivering antioxidants and nutrients to brain tissue
  • Reduce excitatory and inflammatory neurotransmitters in the brain
  • Improves stress response and calms the nervous system
  • Balances neurotransmitters in the gut to promote a stable mood
  • Improves cognitive function
  • Studies show that Bacopa can lengthen brain cells with prolonged use

How to take:

For children, we suggest using 1 tsp twice daily. Adults, please feel free to take up to 1 tbsp twice daily. Brain Herbs is best taken on an empty stomach. Most children will enjoy this right from a spoon! If your child has sensory issues, you can easily mix 5-10 ml of water and syringe into the mouth.  You can also add Brain Herbs to your favorite food!  It will go great with yogurt, homemade pancakes, oatmeal or smoothies etc. 

ABSOLUTELY NO: synthetic ingredients, preservatives, fillers, artificial colors, added sugars, common allergens, emulsifiers, GMOs, or other unsafe ingredients!

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A Note From Our Clinical Herbalist

These are tonic herbs, which means they are meant to be used long-term to build the brain and nervous system. They can also be used in the moment to support acute situations, like a panic attack or a stress event. This product is a wonderful way to support the stress response of the whole family.


What sets your supplements apart from others on the market?

The herbs that make up Brain Herbs have been wild-craft sourced. Wildcraft harvesting ensures the most potent form an herb can come in, as the plant is sourced directly from its wild habitat in nature. These wild herbs grow in very mineral-dense soil and have built up very high nutritional profiles in order to be able to survive the conditions of nature. We ensure that the little amount of flavoring used is Organic, non-GMO, kosher, and gluten free. Our product is made in small, hand-batches, using ratios of herb to honey that ensure clinical and therapeutic dosing.

Who can use this product?

Both Gotu Kola and Bacopa have been given a 1A safety ranking by the American Herbal Products Association. There are no known contraindications but allergy is possible with any substance. Studies have shown the herbs to be safe in pregnancy but have not yet been established with breastfeeding. These herbs are generally regarded as safe for most, but as always please ask your doctor and consider your unique health history when deciding if a substance is right for your health.

Can this be taken alongside other medications and supplements?

According to the clinical guide of the American Herbal Products Association, there have been no reported interactions between Gotu Kola or Bacopa and other supplements or medications. Please talk to your doctor, as it is possible that bacopa can increase thyroid levels or interact with anticholinergic medications. These herbs can possibly potentiate the effects of sedative pharmaceuticals.

Where can I learn more?

Please visit our Instagram page @herbal_medica to follow our content.