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Fever Breaker

Fever Breaker

  • Helps cleanse the blood from viruses and pathogens
  • Used to open pores and release heat from the body
  • Shown to reduce body temperature during illness 
  • Used by herbalists to encourage diaphoresis and sweating
  • Does not reduce of injure glutathione producton

How to use: 

1ml(30 drops) into mouth or 1oz of water / juice upon onset of fever or discomfort.  Repeat every hour until the fever breaks. This formula will encourage diaphoresis through the pores to release heat. 


  • Infants: Every hour, rub 30 drops into the bottom of feet
  • Children Under 3: 15 drops every 1-2 hours until fever breaks
  • Children Under 8: 30 drops every 1-2 hours until fever breaks
  • Ages 8 and Up: 30-60 drops every 1-2 hours until fever breaks

Absolutely no:

synthetic ingredients, preservatives, fillers, artificial colors, added sugars, common allergens, emulsifiers, GMOs, or other unsafe ingredients!

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A Note From Our Clinical Herbalist

This product has many options for effective delivery. It can be rubbed onto the child’s feet. It can be taken directly into the mouth. It also can be taken in water, tea or juice (we strongly suggest fresh, real juice squeezed at home and not pasteurized shelf-stable commercial juices). 

***If there is a chance that your child won’t drink much, please add the Fever Breaker to only 1-2 oz of liquid. This ensures that the full dose is consumed. If your child still has trouble drinking a few ounces of liquid, please opt for a syringe. For syringing, mix the proper dose of Fever Breaker with 5ml water and syringe into the back of the child’s mouth. 

For infants: Every hour, rub 30 drops of the tincture onto the bottom of the feet 


What sets your supplements apart from others on the market?

Our tincture has been brought to market by health practitioners who have validated its efficacy in clinical settings for over two years. Our Yarrow is sourced from biodynamic, organic and regenerative farmers in a lush and rich part of Oregon. We use organic non-GMO cane alcoholic and non-soy, coconut plant derived glycerin. We follow the traditional and clinically accepted ratio of mark to menstruum, in order to guarantee a very potent extraction. Glycerin is not added until the end of aqueous and alcohol extraction, which ensures that no active plant constituents are sacrificed in the extraction process. 

Who can use this product?

Yarrow has been given a 1A safety ranking by the American Herbal Products Association. There are no known contraindications. As with any substance, an inborn allergy is possible. Safety for pregnancy and lactation are inconclusive, but there have been no reported cases of toxicity. As always, please ask your medical doctor and consider your unique health history when deciding if a substance is right for your health.

Can this be taken alongside other medications and supplements?

According to the clinical guide of the American Herbal Products Association, there have been no reported interactions between Yarrow and other supplements or medications. Please talk to your doctor, especially if you are on blood thinning medications or medication to reduce stomach acid.

Where can I learn more?

Please visit our Instagram page @herbal_medica to follow our content.